Welcome to the TESOL Ukraine Newsletter


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Editor’s Greetings 



Zoryana Karplyuk,  English teacher, Rivne School #15
Iryna Pukas, a senior teacher oEnglish, Rivne School # 15


Valerii Polkovsky, The company “East European Opportunities” (St. Albert, Canada),

Ostroh Academy National University (Ostroh, Ukraine)






Valerii Polkovsky
The company “East European Opportunities” (St. Albert, Canada)
Ostroh Academy National University (Ostroh, Ukraine)

В статті представлено огляд сучасних англомовних видань, присвячених проблемі лексичних змін в сучасній англійській мові у 21-ому столітті. Звернено увагу на важливість регіональних варіантів та неологічного буму для викладання цієї мови в Україні.

В статье представлен обзор современных англоязычных изданий, посвященных проблеме лексических изменений в современном английском языке 21-го столетия. Внимание уделяется значению региональных вариантов и неологического бума для преподавания этого языка в Украине.

А brief overview of contemporary English publications  devoted to the problem of lexical changes in Contemporary English of the 21st century has been presented in the article. Attention has been paid to importance of regional variants of English and neological growth for teaching this language in Ukraine.

Ключові слова: зміна, лексичне значення, мова політики та бізнесу, регіональний варіант.

Ключевые слова: изменение, лексическое значение, язык политики и бизнеса, региональный вариант.

Key words: change, lexical meaning, language of politics and business, regional variant.

Dynamics of the English Language and the Problem of Teaching
The English language in the 21st century can be characterized as extremely dynamic and versatile. The role of its regional variants has been growing exponеntially.  Polysemy of the words, nuances and shades of meaning of common words (especially commonly used colloquial words) create a serious problem for understanding the language. Translators and interpreters of other languages are faced with dubious meanings, innuendos, uncommon connotations, unusual acronyms/abbreviations. Linguists in many countries draw attention to this phenomenon (see, for example, Виссон Линн. Слова-хамелеоны и метаморфозы в современном английском языке. Москва: Р. Валент, 2010. – 160 с.). Stylistic nuances of the meaning of the word (like geek and nerd, Виссон 2010: 52-53, where geek mostly lost its negative connotation, and nerd still keeps it) take center stage.  The influx of shortenings or shortened words in English can present a real challenge for instructor/translator/interpreter (very popular in Canada words like docs, Libs, Dems, rev). Lynn Visson warns that it is a “dangerous process with unforeseen consequences”  (Виссон 2010: 57). One can mention an interesting article by Kevin O’Donnell  “Lux brands face tough balancing act”// Marketing News. – 02.15.09: 18.
“There is a fundamental change taking place in the role of technology in business and society. This profoundly affects virtually everything – the economy, business, families, and social existence” – remarks Don Tapscott in his book “Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation” – New York: McGraw – Hill, 1998. – 339 pp: 17).
 “A knowledge-based economy” (Таpscott 1998: 127) has already been created in the leading English-speaking countries.
The influx of neologisms is amazing. Jonathon Keats (who writes for Jargon Watch column for Wired magazine) remarks: ‘For Jargon Watch each month I sort through a vast number of newspapers, magazines, and blogs, both mass-media and specialized publications, finding as many as one hundred notable words from which I select the four that seem most characteristic of the moment or most likely to have a future’ (Keats Jonathon. Virtual Words: Language on the Edge of Science and Technology. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. – 177 pp.: vii-ix). We cannot better characterize the society we live in than Jonathon Keats did: “… the interplay between words and ideas in our fast-paced tech-driven use-it-or-lose-it society” (Keats 2011:  front cover of the book). He adds: “We live in an age of specialization” (Keats 2011: vii). 
In Edmonton newspaper “Metro”’s (April 28/2009:  1) article “Animal health body disputes swine’ flu tag” the author mentions: “The flu virus spreading around the world should not be called “swine flu” as it also contains avian and human components and no pig was found ill with the disease so far, the World Animal Health body said yesterday.
            A more logical name for it would be “North American influenza,” a name based on its geographic origin just like the Spanish influenza, another human flu pandemic with animal origin that killed more than 50 million people in 1918-1919.”
The discussion has been going on in North American Universities again regarding what to teach and how to teach. Commonly accepted notions and criteria crave for rethinking and reevaluation (see, for example, the article Полковський В.П., Семенчук Ю. О. Проблеми викладання іноземних мов у Північній Америці // Наукові записки. Серія Філологічна. Випуск 11. – Острог:  Видавництво Національного університету ”Острозька академія”, 2009. - 684 с., сс. 513-516).
Buzzwords (Catchy words and phrases). The 21st century has been characterized by many catchy words and phrases. “Whenever I pick up a trade journal, receive a notice for a seminar or conference, or visit a trade show, big headlines, banners and blaring videos tell me “out of the box” is critical for today’s or tomorrow’s success, growth or even survival! It does not seem to matter whether that “out of the box” is thinking, doing, implementing or managing. Clearly, to some, it’s the most important thing anyone can be doing today.
            “Out of the box” is in, “in the box” is out.
            Seems like authentic, “out of the box” and innovation are the three magic terms to get us out of the present economic malaise” – notices Don Schultz in his article “Inside the box”// Marketing News. – 01.30.09.: 46.
            Many Canadian newspapers and magazines have a special column called Buzzwords.
Digitization, Use of Computers and Internet. 
“Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living” – mentions Nicholas Negroponte in his book “Being Digital” – New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. – 244 pp: 6).
The economy the Western world lives in is considered by many as “digital economy” (see, for example, the book by Don Tapscott “The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996). People talk about digital era, digital generation, digital homeless, digital young, full digital fluency, digital impoverishment, online world vs. offline world, and even techno-peasant (all examples are from Tapscott 1998. Growing Up Digital…) as well as digital planet, digital age, digital neighborhoods, digital individual, and even digital sisters-in-law (all examples are from Negroponte 2001).
As it is obvious from the aforementioned examples, students can know the meaning of a separate word, but word combination sounds unusual and quite often unfamiliar. Examples with cyber- can prove this point as well: cyber home, cyber gurus, cyber sex, cyber dating, cyber girlfriend [C-girlfriend], cyber rights, cyber arts, “cyber arts teacher, c-guys or gals, C-dating, C-names, cyberbro, C-world (all examples are from Tapscott 1998. Growing Up Digital…). In this respect the book by Herschell Gordon Lewis and Jamie Murphy. Cybertalk that Sells: The Ultimate Source of Words, Phrases, Banners, and Buzzwords for Selling Your Products, Services, and Ideas Through the New Digital and Interactive Media. – Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1998. – 133 pp.  is very interesting (see, for example, E-literates, E-illiterates, e-bots).
Business English. “In the Digital Economy I discussed the issue of a digital divide. If left purely to the market forces, the digital economy could foster a two-tiered society, creating a major gulf between information haves and have-nots – those who can communicate with the world and those who can’t. As information technology becomes more important for economic success and societal well-being, the possibility of “information apartheiid’ becomes increasingly real. Such a ‘digital divide’ may mean that for many children N-Gen means Not-Generation” – remarks Don Tapscott (1998: 11).
According to Don Tapscott, “Have-nots become know-nots and do-nots” (1998: 11).
Business English becomes more and more complicated. Many branches and subdivisions appear that drastically complicate understanding. Marketing quite often becomes digimarketing, for example (see,  Weber Larry. Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Business. Second Edition. – New Jersey: Wiley and Sons, 2009. – 246 pp.; Wertime Kent and Fenwick Ian. DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Media & Digital Marketing. – Singapore: John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Ltd., 2008. – 406 pp.).
 “In the new economy, wealth is increasingly created by knowledge work – brain rather than brawn. There have always been people who have worked with their minds rather than their hands. In the new economy, they are the majority of the work force. Already, almost 60 percent of American workers are knowledge workers and 8 of 10 new jobs are in information-intensive sections of the economy” – remarks Don Tapscott (1998: 127).
The field of branding is becoming trickier. (see, for example, Ries Al and Laura Ries. The Origin of Brands: Discover the Natural Laws of Product Innovation and Business Survival . – New York: HarperBusiness, 2004. – 308 pp.) Al Ries and Laura Ries remark in the section “Upgrading Language and Downgrading Meaning”: “We are not in the beer business,” said Coors’s executive vice president of marketing. “We are in the social mood amelioration business.”
            An impediment to clear thinking is this constant upgrading of the language. No aspect of life is left untouched by the upgrade police.
·       Doctors are now physicians.
·       Lawyers are now attorneys-in-law.
·       Policemen and policewomen are now law enforcement officers.
·       Maintenance people are now physical plant managers.
·       Janitors are now custodial engineers.
·       Garbage collectors are now sanitary engineers.
·       Business strategies are now business models.
·       Numbers are now metrics.
·       Accounting firms are now professional service firms.
·       Purchasing departments are now procurement departments.
·       Personnel departments are now human relations departments.
·       Fireworks are now pyrotechnics.
·       Jails are now correctional facilities.
“Anyone setting off pyrotechnics will be taken into custody by a law enforcement officer and sent to a correctional facility’ (Ries and Ries 2004:. 213-214).
            ‘Branding is tricky business. And half the challenge is trying to break through the language barrier that can exist between brand owners and branding experts. Sit in on a strategy meeting and you might feel the need to grab a jargon-to-English dictionary. The branding field is rife with confusing terminology, with definitions that seem to vary from company to company – if not from person to person” – remarks Elisabeth Sullivan in the article “Branding lexicon: Learn how to talk the talk”// Marketing News. – 01.30.09: 14.
Bruce. Parkinson in “Travel as a Second Language: A Glossary of Key Terms for Bewildered Travellers”// Maclean’s. – March 23, 2009.: 68 mentions: “The world of travel is complex. Unfortunately, so is the lingo. The travel industry playbook is filled with acronyms, jargon, even the odd exaggerated or completely misleading definition (see Direct Flight).
The following glossary of key travel terms is here to help you become a better-informed shopper: advertised price, lead-in price, lowest available fare, plus taxes, off-peak, direct flight, non-stop flight, carry-on, airport codes, open jaw, bricks & mortar, rack rate.
“The Net is beginning to affect all of us – the way we create wealth, the enterprise, the nature of commerce and marketing, the delivery system for entertainment, the role and dynamics of learning in the economy, the nature of government and governance, our culture, and arguably the role of the nation-state in the body politic” – remarks  Don Tapscott (1998: . 3). “The new formula will be N-Gen + the Net = electronic commerce. The Net is becoming a new medium for sales, support, and services of virtually anything, as tens of millions of Net-savvy purchasers come of age” – continues Don Tapscott (1998: 11).

Language of politics. Language of politics is very complex (see, for example,
Political Language and Metaphore: Interpreting and changing the world/ Edited by Terrel Carver and Jernej Pikalo. – London and New York: Routledge, 2008. – 293 pp.;  Freeden Michael. Thinking politically and thinking about politics: language, interpretation, and ideology// Political Theory : Methods and Approaches/ Edited by David Leopold and Mac Stears. – New York: Oxford UP, 2008. – pp. 196 – 215).  The authors talk about extreme semantic flexibility. “… a polysemic capacity becomes a tool of immense innovative force, serving human  imagination and political vision. Consider the ways in which ‘power’ as the positive ‘empowering’ of women has developed in feminist discourse” (Freeden 2008: 202).
 Political discourse is tightly connected with business discourse. Actually business lexicon is quite often dominating in political discourse recently (see, for example, Godwin Jack. Clintonomics: How Bill Clinton Reengineered the Reagan Revolution. – New York: AMACOM, 2009. – 290 pp. ) The growing use of nicknames in politics (as well as in sports, cinema, business and commerce and other fields) is a very peculiar phenomenon (see an amazing book by Andrew Delahunty. Goldenballs and the Iron Lady: A Little Book of Nicknames. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. – 254 pp.
Canadian English. Canadian English has been developing fast and research on it is extensive. We could mention here books like  Casselman Bill. Casselmania: More Wacky Canadian Words and Sayings. – Boston-Toronto-London: Little, Brown and Company (Canada) Ltd, 1996. – 298 pp.;  Telfer Geordie. Dictionary of Canadianisms: How to Speak Canadian, eh! – N/a: Folklore Publishing, 2009. – 352 pp.
Do we have to include into teaching English in Ukraine Canadian things like double-double: at Tim Hortons, coffee with two creams and two sugars; two-four: a case of beer containing 24 bottles or cans (back cover of Telfer’s dictionary)?
Text messaging. “Lacking facial expression, body language, tone of voice, clothing , physical surroundings, and other contextual information, the N-Gen has had to innovate within the limitations of the ASCI keyboard. As a result of this, a new script is emerging with new combinations of characters, new abbreviations, new acronyms, and neologisms to add contextual information, subtleties, and emotion to communications” – remarks Don Tapscott (1998:  64).
David. Crystal in his article “Txting: frNd or foe?” // The Linguist. – December 2008 - /January 2009:  8-11 mentions: “The popular belief is that texting (or SMS, the “short-messaging service”) has evolved as a 21-st century phenomenon, with a highly individual graphic style full of abbreviations, used by a young generation that does not care about standards. … These logograms – or rebuses – go back centuries. … . Some people dislike texting. Some are bemused by it. Some love it. I am fascinated by it, for it is the latest manifestation of the human ability to be linguistically creative and to adapt language to suit the demands of diverse settings. In texting, what we are seeing in a small way, is language in evolution.” And this language in evolution has to be taught, and not conservative and quite often immobile or dead English.
Social media. “Social media spans Internet and mobile devices.
            Blogs, video sharing sites, social networking sites, consumer opinion and review sites and discussion forums all form parts of the array of tools used by those engaging in social media” – remarks Simon Salt in his article “Track your success: Emerging applications make it easier to compute your results in social media marketing”// Marketing News. – 02.15.09.: 20.
Blogs. Blogs are becoming really an explosive phenomenon in numbers and in quality. “Monthly blog readers grew from 25% to 37% of online consumers last year. Social network visitors went from 24% to 34%”  - states Josh Bernoff in the article “Blogs, marketing and trust”/ Marketing News. -  02.15.09: 17. 
Susan Purcell in the article  “Blog standard”// The Linguist. – February/March 2009: 20-21 presentss a  short glossary of blogosphere: blogroll, post (verb and noun), spam, spammer. She provides the impressive statistical data: “More than 130 million blogs have been started on the web and around a million blog posts are written every day. Some bloggers like sharing their knowledge, if they’ve spent ages over a particular word or know of a good teaching activity, they may blog about it with the aim of helping other translators or teachers. Teachers often blog to ensure pupils know what the homework is, or to help students to catch up when they miss a class.” She presents the list of top language blogs (among them you can find www.lexicophiles.com: multilingual blog with links to the “Top 100 Language Blogs”, www. david-crystal.blogspot.com; professor David Crystal’s blog, etc. (see Purcell 2009: 21).Susan Purcell’s blog is at www.virtuallinguist.typepad.com
The recent literature on blogs is extensive (see, for example,  Perlmutter David  D. Blogwars. – New York: Oxford UP, 2008. – 246 pp.;  Warren Michelle. Blogger Knows Best// Marketing. – April 6, 2009.: 23, 26-27; A lot of people are talking about Facebook. But who’s Facebook talking about? / Marketing. – April 6, 2009.: 24-25. (“When we started 8 years ago, there was a lot of what we like to call “hoopla” but others might have called “raised eyebrows” (2009: 24));  Skew media: How to deal with blogosphere backlash // Marketing. – April 6, 2009.: 30.
“And according to a survey by Compass Partners in the U.S., 40% of women consider blogs a reliable source of advice and information; 50 % say blogs influence their purchasing decision and 24 % say they watch less TV because of blogs” – states Michelle Warren (2009: 23). Language has been constantly updating its expressive means and devices.
Slang, jargon. Do Ukrainian students have to know the meaning of raves – “huge warehouse and field parties featuring enormous numbers of people dancing to technopop and accompanying laser light shows” (Tapscott 1998: 205). Any North American student knows precisely the meaning of this word.
“Many N-Geners have seen their parents lose jobs through reengineering, downsizing, rightsizing, smartsizing (as business strategist Gary Hamel says, “smart” and “right” always seem to be down”  - states Don. Tapscott (1998: 285).
“People were held within the walls of a given department – in management jargon, “organizational stove pipes” (Tapscott 1998: 290).
Among the recent dictionaries on contemporary slang one can mention  Ayto John and Simpson John. Stone the Crows: Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang. Second Edition. – New York: Oxford UP, 2008. – 408 pp.
An example from Jonathon. Gatehouse’s short article “ You, Sir, are nothing but a banker: In politics and in pop culture, money men are the new pariahs”// Maclean’s. – March 23, 2009.: 44 is provided: “At soccer games in Ireland, crowds are reacting to bad calls by labeling the ref “a banker”, instead of the rhyming w-word.
Booing – or better still, laughing – at the plutocrats who have left investments and retirement savings scraping bottom might be the only relief consumers get” (Gatehouse 2009: 44).
Vulgar words. The article “Roberts drops the f-bomb on Hanks”//Edmonton newspaper “24 hours”, April 29/2009: 8 is brilliant: “Julia Roberts got everyone’s attention Monday night when she dropped a colourful curse word, according to people.com.
            The night was billed as a salute to Tom Hanks, but it was she who stole the show.
            Keeping her tribute as brief as possible, Roberts told Hanks, “So, everybody f-ing likes you”.
            Short and sweet?”
Role of an Instructor/Teacher.
“The very concept of education is also changing as we move from the paradigm of teacher as transmitter of information to students learning through discovery and through new media. The teacher’s role is still critical, but changing – to structure the learning experience, motivate, provide context, and integrate disciplines” – remarks Don Tapscott (1998:  290).
While teaching English in Ukraine instructors have to pay crucial attention to a) neological growth (boom) in the 21st century, b) regional variants of English.

Learning From Leadership

                      Iryna Pukas, a senior teacher oEnglish,
                                                                                   Rivne School # 15

Iryna Pukas graduated from Rivne State Pedagogical University, Department of Foreign Philology in 1997. She was the national winner of TEA/ACCELS Programme in 2001 and studied at Montana State University in Bozeman, the USA. She has been a member of TESOL since 2000.

           Every teacher has been trying to educate and bring up pupils looking for the relationship balance. It makes you think all the time where that exact point is at which students feel cared for in an appropriate way but know that they must respect the teacher and that they are expected to learn.
I have  been working at Rivne School 15 as a senior teacher of English for 14 years and have got an experience teaching different age group pupils. As a teacher I always look for a change, and have a strong commitment to continual improvement. I have found the way to make the learning process an exciting journey stimulating students’ curiosity, permitting them to express their creativity and fostering positive relationships with others. It’s learning from leadership.
          Taking an active part in Connecting Classrooms Project leading by the British Council, having attended seminars on Leadership in Kyiv and Lviv within the frame of the project, having spent time at WELL seminars and summer camps organized by PEACE CORPS volunteers have changed my pupils and me, personally, greatly. All these activities have made students highly motivated and stimulate them for self-improvement. They have become real leaders! They like doing a kind of work that enables them to demonstrate and improve their sense of themselves as competent and successful human beings.
          When Laura Lloyd Braff , a volunteer who works in Bila Krynytsia school, suggested me to bring my pupils to the summer camp HEAL for young leaders in Sumy oblast, I thought it sounded great. Moreover, staying at camp was not only for entertainment.  The main goal of the camp was teaching young people such debatable and important issues as human trafficking, healthy lifestyle, HIV/AIDS, its biology,  transmission and prevention, stigma and discrimination. Five pupils from my English group have been accepted for the camp as its participants having answered the questions of the application form. It was one of the most unforgettable experiences in my teaching career as I also felt myself a student, took part in all seminars, workshops and discussions, team building, planned a community service project, presented our group project and had a rest together with my pupils. I wondered how bright and creative many of the pupils were, what bright ideas for implementing in projects they had, how important it was to bring all those pupils and students to teach them leadership. I felt proud and content when inspired by PEACE CORPS volunteers, these friendly, enthusiastic and open to communication young people, having met and talked to Andriy Chybisov, HIV/AIDS Prevention (PEPFAR)  Program Manager, having got Laura’s agreement to help, my pupils suggested to apply for a grant for organizing a series of the same seminars for 15-18 year olds from Rivne and Rivne oblast schools which are going to be held by our  11th form leaders and 8  volunteers.
 So we’ve started this joint project and a lot of work has already been done. The project itself has been planned carefully, an announcement about seminars for senior formers  has been made at Rivne English teachers’ conference, the responsibilities have been shared, important people have been contacted who have promised to support the project. The work is going on and I am sure it will be beneficial for the participants of the seminars, pupils- leaders and PEACE CORPS volunteers.https://picasaweb.google.com/113286174841082237795/SummerCampHEAL?authkey=Gv1sRgCI2B1JDZ0OPTkgE

    Two of my pupils Oleksandr Pukas and Tetyana Potapova have been participants of other summer camps CACTUS 11 in Ternopil and MASCOT in Mykolayiv.
     My son and my pupil Oleksandr Pukas  has been chosen for the second time for
CACTUS'11 summer school (Community ACTion Ukrainian Style) which  is an international English language program aimed at promoting civic society development in the next generation of youth leaders in Ukraine. It is based in the city of Ternopil in Western Ukraine and welcomes participants from all over the country. CACTUS takes place annually and  is run by a joint team of Ukrainian and International youth and community leaders. The skills acquired there go on implementing students’ own projects alone or with peers in their local communities. It’s a pleasure to realize that my son Oleksandr has created his own project himself, got a small grant for the seminar and  organized a team among his classmates for holding a seminar. Thus, one more leadership seminar promoting a healthy way of life, informing about the danger of HIV/AIDS and its prevention has been planned for October,1.
     There was one more unforgettable event this summer which made my pupils think over further self-improvement and work on social projects. Natalia Tarasevych, one of four  directors of the camp has invited Oleksandr Pukas to take part in the sitting of the European Youth Parliament – Ukraine. The EYP represents a non-partisan and independent educational project which is tailored specifically to the needs of the young European citizen. It encourages independent thinking and socioEYP has  made a vital contribution towards uniting Europe.  The EYP consists of a network of 35 European associations and organisations in which thousands of young people are active in a voluntary capacity. The EYP is a programme of the Schwarzkopf Foundation.
The Mayor of Chernihiv greeted the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. It was presided by Mr. Anthony Abladey Abladey (UK) .  106 participants (from all over Europe) took part in the event. All the discussions were united under the topic Changing the world – challenging youth’. 

     I cannot but mention about the event which really helped realize how important communication between nations is. It also showed the importance of leadership training for the teachers and pupils of schools participating in this project organized and led by Olena Franchuk, a coordinator of Connecting Classrooms project at school 15, Rivne. August 22 – 26, 2011 a group of CC cluster schools from North Cyprus visited Ukraine on the project “Four Countries– Four Cultures” for the cultural exchange. This was a pioneer visit to finalize the annual program of the CC project which has had a lot of the events in 4 countries – Ukraine, Cyprus, Malta and North Wales. Cyprus and Ukrainian pupils and teachers have become good friends and continue exchanging messages via the Internet, chatting in social networks and talking in Skype. It was a good start and everybody is looking forward to continuation of the cultural exchange. It was nice to hear from our new Cypriot friends that they enjoyed spending 2 days with  pupils of our school and staying at their families, and the time spent in Ukraine was  unforgettable one. They were surprised to see that we have much in common though we are from different cultures and there are so many creative and intelligent pupils, real leaders at our school. No wonder, our pupils are highly motivated, active and are eager to take part in social events, international projects, out-of-class activities, summer camps conducted by PCVs and even try their best to make their own social projects.
    Though it takes a lot of time to plan projects, involve pupils and participate in out-of-class events and seminars, it is very rewarding. What can be better than noticing signs of engagement during a project, pupils’ desire to work in a team ,
 a friendly, respectful and supportive attitude towards each other, glimpses of the inspired and motivated pupils who are definitely the future of Ukraine.

Teacher Development Workshop for Novice Teachers of English

Zoryana Karplyuk
 English teacher, Rivne School #15

“Each language learning situation is unique and  should be thoroughly studied and delineated a prerequisite for the design of language courses”
 Rober J. Baumgardener

 “Fundamentals of English Language Teaching Methodology” took place in July 4-8, 20011 in Kyiv Ukraine. The workshop was organized by the regional English language office of the Public Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. It appeared to be extremely useful for 25 Ukrainian teachers of English, who came from different parts of Ukraine and felt privileged to be participants of such important event. The workshop was not only interesting and exciting but also practical and efficient, because it was organized by the high class professionals who did their best to share the most precious experience and the latest achievements in language teaching with the novice teachers. All participants had a wonderful opportunity to widen and deepen their knowledge of the English language teaching methodology. The workshop was carefully and skillfully planned for the
benefit of all participants. Ann Mc Allen, an ELT consultant from Bellingham, WA and Frances Westbrook, a regional English Language officer of the U.S. Embassy Kyiv, proved to be experience professional trainers. They introduced the participants to a host of al kinds of activities making the process of language learning into  highly exciting of language learning into a highly exciting occupation.
The workshop started with the introductions, during which those present were introduced to it’s general outline. Then the whole host of absorbing sessions followed. The listeners were introduced to Programme overview, icebreakers, introduction  to ELT. Then a lecture “What makes a good teacher” followed in afternoon.
Teachers implemented theoretical knowledge they had got previously into practice. We were divided into groups and prepared presentations. This kind of activity helped to comprehend the content of the sessions deeply and fundamentally. All sessions informative and valuable for the novice teachers and personally for me. It will help me to make my lessons brighter and more effective. The workshop considerably improved my professional level. I have to say, that I’ll use the bright ideas of our trainers at my lessons to the benefit of my pupils. I have always wanted to teach my pupils in the best possible way and I value and use every opportunity of professional growth. So I want to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers of this workshop. I’ll also gladly share my experience with my fellow teachers of my school and my town. During the session we had an opportunity to demonstrate different types of intelligences.
Great attention was paid to extra-curricular works, because that kind of work may have certain advantages before the indoor lessons, as priority form of teaching. This is a possibility for a teacher to use in all measure the situational method in determined phase of language studying, and the searching of new forms of extra curricular works which is not limited by school programs as the lessons ones.
Teachers were invited to examine the different activities and materials presented at the session to consider how they may be adapted to their own teaching environment. It was the product of the dedication and innovative spirit of teachers worldwide. Through this sharing of ideas and experimentation with new approaches, teachers are renewed.
Advantages for  teachers are the following:
1.Teachers can become aware of what works and what doesn’t, what students find more or less useful, unrealistic, difficult pleasurable, etc.
2.Teachers can become aware of those points and activities that they deem  important but that are not perceived or mentioned in the feedback
Originally, this workshop was meant  to illustrate how teaching could be associated with task-based exercises geared towards acquiring communicative ability.
I consider  “Jigsaw activities: putting the pieces together” to be the most interesting. If the instructional goal is for student to practice reading, speaking, and listening skills, then a jigsaw activity might be used. The idea of jigsaw activities comes from jigsaw puzzles. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, a picture is divided into many pieces and the pieces must be put back together to complete the picture, in a jigsaw activity, information is divided into different pieces, each group member is given a piece to learn, and then group members teach each other about their pieces so that everyone has a complete picture of the information. First the teacher divides the material into enough pieces so that each group member has one part. Next, the parts are distributed and people from different groups who have the same part meet to study their part. These new groups are called expert teams.
After learning their pieces of the puzzle, students return to their original groups and teach their piece to the other members of the group. Finally, the group’s knowledge of the whole is shown through using the information to do a task or answer question.
The next interesting activity was dictation: dictation can work either way: you can use it to help improve a student’s spelling or to help with their pronunciation. Another technique that also works on pronunciation is this one:
*Chop a short text into sentences, each sentences or clause on a separate slip of paper.
*Give the sentence- slips out to people in the class.
 *Ask the student who reckons she has the opening sentence to read it aloud. Take it down on the board or the overhead projector exactly as she says it.
 What makes a Good Teacher? was another workshop the participants were interested in.
In 1996, UNESCO published a book entitled What makes a good teacher? Over 500 children from some 50 countries aged 8-12 contributed their opinions. Here are some of their responses:
A great teacher interacts with the child (physically and mentally).
A  great teacher gives affection to the pupils, makes them understand what emotion is.
A great teacher smiles to his\her pupils even when they screw him up.
A great teacher teaches not only book materials but also the truth that’s happening outside.
A great teacher dedicates him\herself to the job. They make a commitment. Then they have to do it.
Yuventius, Jakarta, Indonesia
A good teacher is someone who teaches not only with mind, but also with heart.
Syanne Helly, East Java, Indonesia
A good teacher is someone who can learn from his students, who can learn with them, and for them. He must be honest in his relationships with students, and proud enough about his own value to work, from there, on helping his students to build their own self-esteem.
Christian Berger, Santiago, Chile
Good teaching is keeping yourself in the shoes of your students.
A good teacher should live his/her life in such a way that those who are watching  him/her will not be led astray.
A good teacher should have a teacher heart.
Fe Espiritu, Philippines
To sum it up, we could say that if good self-directed learning often evolves from bad, or frustrating, teacher-directed learning, the student who, in this case, manages to work alone successfully is to be praised unreservedly. Since the need for self-managed continuing education is widely recognized in language learning, why not incorporate its preparation?
As for me I came to conclusion that I will  encourage learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to have confidence in their own abilities and ideas.
Thanks a lot   to all who designed this course for novice teachers of English.